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- Your bedside cot serves as a book tray because 50 cm space between you and your baby are to much?
- The stroller serves as parcel deposit for the UPS deliverer because you prefer to carry your child?
- Your child eats with his hands and has never been fed?
- Do you wear the same thing every day because you no longer buy clothes?
No, you are not weird! Really not!
You just listen to your instinct, instead of the majority! That’s ok!
And you are not alone.
In this blog, I want to show you that it is worthwhile to focus more on the essentials, back to the original, listen to gut feeling! This way of life offers solutions for many problems with babies and children and in the normal everyday life or furthermore don’t even let them emerge.
In my pregnancy I also believed that a stroller needs to be used because everyone does it.
Now the expensive thing stands in the staircase.
... hopefully nobody will steal it ...
The baby carrier I was a gift and use it several times a day. The decision to carry my child instead of using the stroller was a decision of my heart, as well as the matter of breastfeeding and the family bed.
But, what did I achieve?
A satisfied, strong-binding baby who sleeps when he's tired, eats when he's hungry ... and a fuller purse ... except for the buggy ... and the bedside cot.
You are pregnant and want that too? Or already have children and realize that the "normal" way is not for you and you are somehow different? Or you have no children at all, but want to declutter your life and live more sustainable and environmentally conscious?
Then you are exactly right here! Subscribe to my blog and you'll get regular posts on the topics
- Baby wearing
- Cloth diapers
- Pregnancy
- Breastfeeding
- Co-Sleeping
- Diaper-free / EC
- Attachement parenting
- Zero waste
- Family and Minimalism
If you need information about "The Best Pacifier for my Baby", "Which Porridge in the 4th Month?", "How do I make my baby sleep in his own room?" Or "What are the summer trends of the year?" Then I’m sorry, are you wrong here. But maybe I can convince you then of another lifestyle?
If you want to stand out from the crowd and want to hear your own instinct despite the headwind from the outside, then I want to help you with this!
It will not be easy. I know it. Been there. But it's worth it! For you, your baby, your life!
I am looking forward to a lively exchange with you on my blog!
Write me! Subscribe to this blog! Stay in touch!
Who is the author?
Hi, my name is Nancy, I am a mom and a blogger. I help mothers, expectant mothers and people who want to clean up their lives with tips and instructions on various problems and issues of everyday life.
Incidentally, I have a master's degree in computer science and I am working in a company in the automotive industry. Just for info. Not important for this blog ;).